Table of Contents

RomVault Interface Overview

Side Buttons

The side buttons include the main actions needed for working with RomVault on a regular basis.


Action Mouse Keyboard
Updating DATs
Update new DATs LEFT CLICK F5
Scanning ROMs
Scan ROMs (hash new, renamed, modified) LEFT CLICK F6
Quick scan ROMs (check archive headers only) SHIFT + F6
Force rescan ROMs (decompress and rehash) CTRL + F6
Finding fixes
Find fixes for ROMs LEFT CLICK F7
Fixing ROMs
Scan ROMs, find fixes, and fix ROMs RIGHT CLICK
Generating reports
Generate Fix DATs for red status ROMs only LEFT CLICK F9
Generate Fix DATs for red and yellow status ROMs RIGHT CLICK
Generate a full text report SHIFT + F9
Generate a text report for fixes CTRL + F9
Saving and applying tree presets
Apply tree selection preset (1-4) LEFT CLICK
Save tree selection preset (1-4) RIGHT CLICK

Tree presets allow you to save and restore tree states. When you save a preset, the state of all tree checkboxes (selected, unselected, read-only) and branches (expanded, collapsed) are written to an XML file in your RomVault directory. When you restore from a preset, the entire state of the tree is updated accordingly.

DAT Tree

The DAT tree represents all of your DATs as you have them stored in your DATRoot.


Action Mouse
Selecting scope for scanning and fixing
Select or deselect LEFT CLICK
Select or deselect without impacting descendants SHIFT + LEFT CLICK
Mark as read only RIGHT CLICK
Expanding and collapsing the tree
Expand or collapse children LEFT CLICK
Expand or collapse all descendants RIGHT CLICK
Viewing info and accessing context menus
View information in info panel LEFT CLICK
Open context menu RIGHT CLICK

You can create an aggregated Full DAT from any branch in the tree using the right click context menu. This is useful if you would like to use RomVault for creating a dat of files scanned into your cache.

Info Panel

The info panel displays information about the DAT or game set you currently have selected.

DAT Info:

NameName value from the DAT header or the current directory name
DescriptionRespective values from the DAT header
ROM PathPath to the ROMs for the current DAT or the current full directory path
ROMs GotTotal ROMs you have (green) in the current and descendant directories
ROMs MissingTotal ROMs missing (red) in the current and descendant directories
ROMs FixableTotal ROMs which are fixable (yellow, orange, purple, brown) in the current and descendant directories
ROMs UnknownTotal ROMs which are an unknown status (cyan) in the current and descendant directories

If multiple DATs are merged together, then the header information from the DATs is not displayed. DATs that are merged together display with a small font in the tree.

Game Info:

Field Description
Name Name of the current directory
Standard Set
Name Respective values for the set from the DAT
Clone of
Rom of
Trurip / EmuArc Set
Name Respective values for the set from the DAT
Title ID
Clone of
Related to

Set Filters:
Refer to the color key for more information about statuses.

Filter Statuses
(Always displayed) Sets with at least one…
☑ Show Complete Sets with only… (including )
☑ Show Partial Sets with only… AND
☑ Show Empty Sets with only…
☑ Show Fixes Sets with at least one…
☑ Show MIA Sets with at least one…
☑ Show Merged / Deduped Sets with at least one…

The search box filters the game list grid using case insensitive string matching. Regex is not supported.

Game List Grid

The game list grid displays the games or sets that you have for the DAT selected.


Action Mouse
Launch game (if configured, see advanced settings for details) DOUBLE LEFT CLICK
an archive
Navigate down a level into a directory DOUBLE LEFT CLICK
a directory
Navigate up a level to parent directory DOUBLE RIGHT CLICK
in the white space
Copy values to clipboard RIGHT CLICK
a field value - details below

You can navigate one level higher than your RomRoot (RomVault in the DAT tree) to see both your RomRoot and ToSort directories in the grid by using the double right click shortcut.

Column Reference:

Column Description Mouse Shortcut Details
Type Storage type for the set or folder for a directory. Refer to the set type section of color key. RIGHT CLICK to copy Name and Description value
Game (Directory / Zip) Directory or set name RIGHT CLICK to copy Name value
Description Description value from the DAT (Not displayed if null or all matching Game name) RIGHT CLICK to copy Description value
Modified Modified time in UTC format
ROM Status Refer to the color key.

ROM Details Grid

The ROM details grid displays the details of each ROM or file in game you have selected.


Action Mouse
Copy ROM attributes to clipboard RIGHT CLICK
a field value in the grid - details below
View list of ROM occurrences LEFT CLICK
the Instance Count value

Column Reference:

Column Description Mouse Shortcut Details
Got Status. Refer to the status and fix planning sections of the color key. RIGHT CLICK to copy Filename, Size, CRC32, SHA1, and MD5 values
ROM (File) Names of the files in the set. RIGHT CLICK to copy Filename value
Merge Names of the files that are included in a parent set.
Size Size of the file. RIGHT CLICK to copy Size value
CRC32 CRC32 hash of the file. RIGHT CLICK to copy CRC32 value
SHA1 SHA1 hash of the file. RIGHT CLICK to copy SHA1 value
MD5 MD5 hash of the file. RIGHT CLICK to copy MD5 value
AltSize* Alternate size of the file.
- Headered ROMs: Size excluding the header
- CHDs: Not applicable
AltCRC32* Alternate CRC32 of the file.
- Headered ROMs: CRC32 hash excluding the header
- CHDs: Not applicable
AltSHA1* Alternate SHA1 of the file.
- Headered ROMs: SHA1 hash excluding the header
- CHDs: Internal SHA1 hash of contents
AltMD5* Alternate MD5 of the file.
- Headered ROMs: MD5 hash excluding the header
- CHDs: Internal MD5 hash of contents
Modified Date/Time Modified date in UTC format.
Status ROM status as specified in the DAT, if applicable (E.g. baddump)
ZipIndex Index number or order of the files in the archive.
Instance Count Number of times the file appears in your RomVault cache. Only updated after selecting in the tree and executing a Find Fixes action. Instance counts are cached until the next Find Fixes action. LEFT CLICK to view all selected ROM locations

The Alt columns are only displayed if the set contains files that have alternate sizes or hashes. This applies to CHDs and headered ROMs (NES, FDS, Lynx, 7800, etc.)

Attribute Flags:

Archive Types
CHDCHD (Compressed Hunks of Data) archive
GZGZ (GNU Zip) archive - Detected, but decompression not currently supported
RARRAR archive - Detected, but decompression not currently supported
SevenZip7z archive - Detected if file extension is not “.7z”, otherwise contents are read
ZIPZIP archive - Detected if file extension is not “.zip”, otherwise contents are read
CHD Versions
V1Version 1 - Checked natively by RomVault as of v3.6.0, chdman.exe does not support
V2Version 2 - Checked natively by RomVault as of v3.6.0
V3Version 3 - Checked natively by RomVault as of v3.6.0
V4Version 4 - Checked natively by RomVault as of v3.6.0
V5Version 5 - Checked natively by RomVault as of v3.6.0
ROM Headers
A7800Atari 7800
FDSFamicom Disk System
LynxAtari Lynx
NESNintendo Entertainment System
PCENEC PC Engine / TurboGrafx
PSIDCommodore 64 SID (Sound Interface Device) Audio
SNESSuper Nintendo Entertainment System
Data Sources
DValue from the DAT
FValue from the archive file header (Not applicable for uncompressed sets)
VVerified value from checking the size and hashing the file to calculate CRC32 / SHA1 / MD5

Example: A headered NES ROM of “Super Mario Bros. (World)” from the No-Intro set compressed in a ZIP archive would have the following values if using a DAT with a header skipper:

NameSuper Mario Bros. (World).nesNES DFThe DAT has an NES header skipper (D) and the file scanned has an NES header (F)
Size40,976FVThe actual scanned size is larger than the DAT size because the DAT excludes the ROM header
CRC323337ec46FVThe actual CRC32 is different than the DAT CRC32 because the DAT excludes the ROM header
SHA1ea343f4e445a9050d4b4fbac2c77d0693b1d0922VThe ZIP header does not store SHA1, and the actual SHA1 is different than the DAT SHA1 because the DAT excludes the ROM header
MD5811b027eaf99c2def7b933c5208636deVThe ZIP header does not store MD5, and the actual MD5 is different than the DAT MD5 because the DAT excludes the ROM header
AltSize40,960DVThe DAT size is smaller than the actual scanned size because the DAT excludes the ROM header
AltCRC32d445f698DVThe DAT CRC32 is different from the actual scanned CRC32
AltSHA1facee9c577a5262dbe33ac4930bb0b58c8c037f7DVThe DAT SHA1 is different from the actual scanned SHA1
AltMD58e3630186e35d477231bf8fd50e54cddDVThe DAT MD5 is different from the actual scanned MD5

Repair Status Log

The repair status window shows a detailed log of all the actions RomVault is performing during a fix.

Status Reference:

Status Description
Delete The file was deleted permanently
Rename The file was renamed in its current location
ZipTrrnt The file was recompressed to TorrentZip in its current location
ZipTDC The file was recompressed to TDC Zip in its current location
ZipZSTD The file was recompressed to ZSTD Zip in its current location
SevenZipNLZMA The file was recompressed to Non-Solid LZMA 7z in its current location
SevenZipSLZMA The file was recompressed to Solid LZMA 7z in its current location (previously known as RV7z)
SevenZipNZSTD The file was recompressed to Non-Solid ZSTD 7z in its current location
SevenZipSZSTD The file was recompressed to Solid ZSTD 7z in its current location
<<--Compress The file was compressed to the same archive, typically for file renames within archives
<-Compress The file was compressed to a different archive
<<--Raw The file was raw copied to the same archive (TorrentZip only), typically for file renames within archives
<--Raw The file was raw copied to a different archive (TorrentZip only)
<--Copy The file was copied to another set
<--Move The file was moved to another set
<--ZipMove The ZIP archive was moved to another location in the RomRoot
<--7zMove The 7z archive was moved to another location in the RomRoot
--> The file in the archive was decompressed to the 7z cache or copied to ToSort
Raw--> The file in the archive was raw copied to ToSort (TorrentZip and corrupt archives only)
ZipMove--> The ZIP archive was moved to the primary ToSort directory
7zMove--> The 7z archive was moved to the primary ToSort directory

Video Tutorial