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Cache Structure

RomVault stores all information about scanned and datted files in the RomVault Cache. This cache file is essentially a highly optimized database that includes filenames, sizes, hashes, modified timestamps, and pertinent flags to track various ROM statuses.

This page is under construction and should not be considered comprehensive or entirely accurate.

RomVault 3.5.x Cache

Offset (h) Size (bytes) Name Description Example HEX Values Explanation
Header Section
0x00000000 4 Cache Version Version of the internal cache database 02000000 Version 2, used with RV 3.5.x
0x00000004 4 File Flags Flags for tree and DAT structure 00400400 Has tree, has children
0x00000008 1 File Name Length + file name 00 Not applicable
0x00000009 1 Found File Name Length + found file name 00 Not applicable
0x0000000A 8 File Modify Time Last modified time in ticks, little endian 0000000000000000 Not applicable
0x00000012 1 DAT Status Flag for DAT status 00 In DAT, collected
0x00000013 1 Got Status Flag for Got status 00 Not Got
0x00000014 1 Tree Expanded Boolean flag for directory expanded in tree 01 Always expanded
0x00000015 1 Tree Selected Flag for tree selection 01 Always selected
0x00000016 4 Child Count Number of children 03000000 3 directories: RomRoot + 2 ToSorts
… (end of cache) 4 File Status Status of the file / group 00000000
File Type 1 - Directory without DATs
1 Child Type Flag for file type 01 Directory
4 File Flags Flags for tree and DAT structure 00400400 Has tree, has children
varies File Name Length + file name 08526F6D5661756C
8 characters + “RomVault”
varies Found File Name Length + found file name 00 Not applicable
8 File Modify Time Last modified time in ticks, little endian 0000000000000000 Not applicable
1 DAT Status Flag for DAT status 00 In DAT, collected
1 Got Status Flag for Got status 01 Got
1 Tree Expanded Boolean flag for directory expanded in tree 01 Expanded
1 Tree Selected Flag for tree selection 00 Not selected
4 Child Count Number of children 01000000 1 child
4 File Status Status of the file / group 00000000
File Type 1 - Directory with DATs
1 Child Type Flag for file type 01 Directory
4 File Flags Flags for tree and DAT structure 00400600 Has tree, has dir DAT, has children
varies File Name Length + file name 034D4941 3 characters + “MIA”
varies Found File Name Length + found file name 00 Not applicable
8 File Modify Time Last modified time in ticks, little endian 0000000000000000 Not applicable
1 DAT Status Flag for DAT status 00 In DAT, collected
1 Got Status Flag for Got status 01 Got
1 Tree Expanded Boolean flag for directory expanded in tree 01 Expanded
1 Tree Selected Flag for tree selection 00 Not selected
4 DAT Count Number of DATs in the directory 02000000 2 DATs
8 DAT Modify Time Last modified time in ticks, little endian 0016C6FEFDC0DA08 638034494360000000 ticks
1 DAT Rules Flags for DAT rules applied 05 AutoAddDirectory, MultiDatOverride
1 DAT Attribute Count Number of DAT attributes 07 7 attributes
1 DAT Attribute ID Flag for Dat attribute 01 DatName
varies DAT Attribute Value Length + attribute value 094D616D6D61204D
9 characters + “Mamma MIA”
1 DAT Attribute ID Flag for Dat attribute 02 DatRootFullName
varies DAT Attribute Value Length + attribute value 19446174526F6F74
19 characters + “DatRoot\MIA\Mamma-MIA.dat”
1 DAT Attribute ID Flag for Dat attribute 03 RootDir
varies DAT Attribute Value Length + attribute value 094D616D6D612D4D
9 characters + “Mamma-MIA”
1 DAT Attribute ID Flag for Dat attribute 04 Description
varies DAT Attribute Value Length + attribute value 1C496E2074686520
28 characters + “In the DAT-Missing in Action”
1 DAT Attribute ID Flag for Dat attribute 06 Version
varies DAT Attribute Value Length + attribute value 034D4941 3 characters + “MIA”
1 DAT Attribute ID Flag for Dat attribute 08 Author
varies DAT Attribute Value Length + attribute value 084461745661756C
8 characters + “DatVault”
1 DAT Attribute ID Flag for Dat attribute 0B URL
varies DAT Attribute Value Length + attribute value 107777772E646174
10 characters + “
ToSort Directory
0x00000000 1 ??? 00
0x00000001 1 File Type Flag for file type 01 Directory
4 Cache Read Flags 00400000
varies Path Name Length Number of characters in path 0A 10 characters
varies Path Name Path as displayed in RomVault UI 583A5C546F536F72
File Record (Non-Archive File)
0x00000000 1 File Type Flag for file type 04 File
0x00000020 4 Cache Read Flags 0F000000
varies File Name Length Number of characters in filename 0D 13 characters
varies File Name File name without directory 544553545F46494C
1 Case Alternate Flag for a case sensitive filename alternate 00
8 Modified Time Last modified time in ticks, little endian 5E2442FB4DBFDA08 638032638875149406 ticks
1 DAT Status Flag for DAT status 04 In ToSort directory
1 Got Status Flag for Got status 01 Got
8 File Size File size in bytes, little endian C20B000000000000 3010 bytes
1 CRC Bytes CRC32 length in bytes 04 4 bytes
4 CRC Hash CRC32 hash value 5591DB24
1 SHA1 Bytes SHA1 length in bytes 14 20 bytes
20 SHA1 Hash SHA1 hash value 470999CECB44DA4B
1 MD5 Bytes MD5 length in bytes 10 16 bytes
16 MD5 Hash MD5 hash value 6D791EFEA71E0A2A
1 Header Found Flag for type of header found 00 None
4 File Status Flags for file status 003C0000
0x00000000 11 ??? 000000000000C000
8 End Cache Marker to signify the end of the cache A7DD00A615000000


Enum Name Description Cache Value
TreeSelect Unselected The tree branch is selected 00
Selected The tree branch is unselected 01
Locked The tree branch is locked in read-only mode 02
FileType Unknown ??? 00
Dir The item is a directory 01
Zip The item is a ZIP file 02
SevenZip The item is a 7z file 03
File The item is a file 04
ZipFile The item is a file within a ZIP archive 05
SevenZipFile The item is a file within a 7z archive 06
DatData DatName 01
DatRootFullNam 02
RootDir 03
Description 04
Category 05
Version 06
Date 07
Author 08
Email 09
HomePage 10
URL 11
FileType 12
MergeType 13
SuperDat 14
DirSetup 15
Header 16
SubDirType 17
DatStatus InDatCollect The file is in the DAT and collected 00
InDatMerged The file is in the DAT but merged 01
InDatBad The file is in the DAT but its corrupt 02
NotInDat The file is not in the DAT 03
InToSort The file is in a ToSort directory 04
InDatMIA The file is in the DAT but MIA 05
GotStatus NotGot The file is missing 00
Got The file is present 01
Corrupt The file is corrupt 02
FileLocked The file is locked 03
HeaderFileType Nothing No header 00
ZIP ZIP archive 01
GZ GZip archive 02
SevenZip 7z archive 03
RAR RAR archive 04
CHD CHD file 05
A7800 Atari 7800 06
Lynx Atari Lynx 07
NES Nintendo Entertainment System 08
FDS Nintendo Famicom Disk System 09
PCE NEC PC Engine 0A
PSID Commodore 64 SID (Sound Interface Device) Audio 0B
SNES Super Nintendo Entertainment System 0C
HeaderMask ???
Required ???
cache_structure.1667876362.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/07 18:59 by johnsanc