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Color and Icon Key

Game List Grid

ROM Statuses

Green,CorrectGreenThe ROM is correct.
Red,MissingRedThe ROM is missing.
Cyan,UnknownCyanThe ROM is not needed here. Use 'Find Fixes' to see what should be done with the ROM.
Light Cyan,Un-NeededLight CyanThe ROM is not needed here because it belongs in the parent or primary deduped set.
Gray,Not CollectedGrayThe ROM is not collected here because it belongs in the parent or primary deduped set or is a 'BadDump' ROM
Magenta,Move To SortMagentaThe ROM is in a ToSort directory.
Dark Blue,IgnoreGray-BlueThe file matches an ignore rule.
Yellow,Can Be fixedYellowThe ROM is missing here, but it's available elsewhere. The ROM will be fixed.
Orange,Needed for fixOrangeThe ROM is not needed here, but it's needed elsewhere or has the incorrect name. The ROM will be moved or renamed.
Purple,Move to ToSortPurpleThe ROM is not needed here, but a copy isn't located elsewhere. The ROM will be moved to the Primary ToSort.
Brown,DeleteBrownThe ROM is not needed here, but a copy is located elsewhere. The ROM will be deleted.
Blue,UnscannedBlueThe file could not be scanned. The file could be locked or have incompatible permissions.
Bright Red,ROM CorruptBright RedThe file is corrupt.
Bright Red,Archive CorruptBright RedThe archive containing the file is corrupt.

Set Types

folderThe set is uncompressed.
zipThe set is a regular ZIP archive.
tzipThe set is torrentzipped.
7zThe set is a regular 7zip archive. RomVault only supports reading this type of archive.
t7zThe set is torrent7zipped. RomVault only supports reading this type of archive.
rv7zThe set is rv7zipped.
missing folderThe uncompressed set is missing.
missing zipThe ZIP set is missing.
missing 7zThe 7z set is missing.
corrupt zipThe ZIP set is corrupt.
corrupt 7zThe 7z set is corrupt.

ROM Details Grid

Resting Statuses
CorrectThe ROM is correct.
MissingThe ROM is missing.
UnknownThe ROM is not needed in the set. Use find fixes to determine what should be done with the ROM.
UnneededThe ROM is present but unneeded because its wanted in a parent or primary deduped set.
UncollectedThe ROM is uncollected because its wanted in a parent or primary deduped set.
In ToSortThe ROM is in a ToSort directory.
IgnoredThe file matches an ignore rule.
UnscaneedThe file is unscanned.
CorruptThe file is corrupt.
Fix Actions
Missing can be fixedThe ROM is missing. It can be fixed.
Corrupt can be fixedThe ROM is corrupt. It can be fixed by another copy of the ROM.
RenameThe ROM is not needed here. It can be renamed to fix another ROM in the set.
Needed for fixThe ROM is not needed here. It can be used for a fix elsewhere.
Merged needed for fixThe ROM is not needed here. It can be moved to the parent or primary deduped set.
Move To ToSortThe ROM is not needed here. It will be moved to the Primary ToSort.
DeleteThe ROM is not needed here. It will be deleted because a copy exists elsewhere.
Move To CorruptThe file is corrupt. It will be moved to the Primary ToSort in the 'Corrupt' sub-directory.
ToSort needed for fixThe ROM is no longer needed in ToSort. It can be used for a fix elsewhere.
DeleteThe ROM is no longer needed in ToSort. It will be deleted because a collected copy exists elsewhere.
Move To CorruptThe corrupt file is in a ToSort directory. It will be moved to the Primary ToSort in the 'Corrupt' sub-directory.

DAT Tree

The branch is collapsed.
The branch is expanded.
The branch is deselected. ROMs will not be scanned and cannot be used for fixes.
The branch is selected. ROMs will be scanned and can be used for fixes.
The branch is locked as read-only. ROMs will be scanned and can be used for fixes, however they will not be altered.
No ROMs are missing.
Some ROMs missing.
All ROMs are missing.
ToSort directory.
color_key.1647121468.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/03/12 12:44 (external edit)