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Config XML (Advanced)

The RomVault3cfg.xml file contains all of the global, directory, and filter settings used by the application. The settings for ToSort directories are not stored in this XML. ToSort directory definitions are stored in the cache and are not editable outside of the RomVault UI.

Some RomVault settings are only enabled or configurable by directly editing the XML file, including:

Do NOT edit this file directly unless you know exactly what you are doing. Any features accessible solely through direct configuration XML edits should be considered experimental.

Settings Summary

<Settings> Top level grouping for all settings
<FilesOnly> Global setting to enable RV in files only mode No
<DatRoot> Path to your folder containing DATs Yes
<CacheFile> Path and name of your RomVault cache file No
<FixLevel> The level used for fix operations, applied globally Yes
<DatRules> Grouping for all DAT rules
<DatRule> Grouping of settings for an individual DAT rule
<DirKey> Directory key for the DAT rule based on where the DAT resides in the DATRoot Auto-created
<Compression> Preferred archive format Yes
<CompressionOverrideDAT> Force the preferred compression setting regardless of what is specified in the DAT Yes
<CompressionSub> Preferred compression sub-type for the chosen archive format Yes
<ConvertWhileFixing> Convert complete sets to the preferred compression sub-type during a fix Yes
<Merge> Preferred set merging setting Yes
<Filter> Filter for collecting ROMs, CHDs, or both Yes
<HeaderType> Preferred ROM header type Yes
<MergeOverrideDAT> Force the preferred merging type regardless of what is specified in the DAT Yes
<SingleArchive> Group sets into a single archive Yes
<SubDirType> Grouping option for Single Archive mode Yes
<MultiDATDirOverride> Disable automatically creating subdirectories when multiple DATs share the same directory Yes
<UseDescriptionAsDirName> Use the DAT Description value instead of Name value for automatic directory names Yes
<UseIdForName> Prefix the set name with the ID attribute from the DAT (mainly for No-Intro) Yes
<CompleteOnly> Keep complete sets only and move incomplete sets to Primary ToSort Yes
<IgnoreFiles> Rules for files to ignore. Files are still scanned, but not removed if unneeded. Yes
<AddCategorySubDirs> Use category values from the DAT as subdirectories (mainly for Redump) Yes
<CategoryOrder> Priority order of category values (Mainly for No-Intro which can use multiple categories) Yes
<DirKey> The DatRoot path for the directory mapping Yes
<DirPath> The filesystem location the DatRoot path maps to Yes
<IgnoreFiles> Rules for files to ignore. Files matching these rules are not scanned at all. Yes
<EInfo> Grouping for all configured emulators
<EmulatorInfo> Grouping for all settings for an individual emulator
<TreeDir> Path in your RomRoot used for ROMs. Omit the “RomRoot” portion of the full path. No
<ExtraPath> Path in your RomRoot used for Artwork. Omit the “RomRoot” portion of the full path. No
<WorkingDirectory> Full path for the emulator working directory No
<ExeName> Emulator executable in the working directory No
<CommandLine> Commandline parameters to use when launching the game No
<DatVault> Grouping for all DatVault settings
<bUseDefaultMasterDirectories> Preference to use Master Directories when adding DATs Yes
<bUseDefaultSubDirectories> Preference to use Subdirectories when adding DATs Yes
<bImportNewDATsWithJsonSeeds> Preference to use download DATs at the time of adding JSON seeds Yes
<DoubleCheckDelete> Ensures RomVault does not delete files mistakenly due to an out of sync cache Yes
<DebugLogsEnabled> Enables debugging logging Yes
<DetailedFixReporting> Enables detailed fix reporting in the status window Yes
<CacheSaveTimerEnabled> Enables auto-saving the cache at regular intervals during a scan or fix Yes
<CacheSaveTimePeriod> Time in minutes between cache backups Yes
<chkBoxShowCorrect> Last game grid filter value for “Show correct sets” Yes
<chkBoxShowMissing> Last game grid filter value for “Show incomplete sets” Yes
<chkBoxShowFixed> Last game grid filter value for “Show sets with fixes” Yes
<chkBoxShowMIA> Last game grid filter value for “Show MIA” Yes
<chkBoxShowMerged> Last game grid filter value for “Show merged / deduped” Yes
<DATUpdateKey> Your personal DATVault key - Keep this safe and do not share Yes
<MIAAnon> Enables anonymous “MIA Found” reporting - Only relevant for DATVault users Yes
<MIACallback> Enables “MIA Found” reporting back to the DatVault server Yes
<DeleteOldCueFiles> Automatically deletes old cue packs downloaded by DatVault Yes
<Darkness> Enables Dark Mode Yes
<CheckCHDVersion> Toggles re-verifying if CHD version info is missing from cache (default: false) No
<zstdCompCount> Specifies the maximum number of zstd workers to spawn per compression stream Yes
<sevenZDefaultStruct> Specifies the default 7z archive structure for archives that need to be repacked in ToSort Yes

Global Settings

The following settings are controllable through the RomVault UI from the Settings > RomVault Settings menu.

XML Setting UI Mapping Accepted Values
DatRoot DAT Root Directory Any valid relative or absolute path
FixLevel Fixing Level level1, level2, or level3
IgnoreFiles Filenames not to remove from Dirs Refer to Global Settings documentation
DoubleCheckDelete Double Check Delete true or false
DebugLogsEnabled Debug Logs Enabled true or false
DetailedFixReporting Detailed Fix Reporting true or false
CacheSaveTimerEnabled Save Cache On Timer… true or false
CacheSaveTimePeriod …Every XX Minutes Integer number greater than 5
ConvertToTrrntzip Convert all zips to trrntzips true or false
ConvertToRV7Z Convert all 7z to RV7z true or false
MIAAnon Send Found MIA Anonymously true or false
MIACallback Send Found MIA true or false
zstdCompCount Max ZSTD workers 0-64. A vaule of 0 is Auto which is detected CPU cores minus 2
sevenZDefaultStruct Default &Z type 0-3. 0 = LZMA Solid, 1 = LZMA Non-Solid, 2 = ZSTD Solid, 3 = ZSTD Non-Solid

For additional information, refer to the Global Settings documentation.

Directory Settings

The following settings are controllable through the RomVault UI from the Settings > Directory Settings menu.

XML Setting UI Mapping Accepted Values
DirKey Rule Path Auto-generated DATRoot path
DirPath Dir Location Valid relative or absolute directory path
Compression Archive Type Dir, Zip, or SevenZip
CompressionOverrideDAT Archive Type Override DAT true or false
Merge Merge Type None, Split, Merge, or NonMerged
Filter ROM/CHD Filter KeepAll, RomsOnly, or CHDsOnly
HeaderType Header Type Optional, Headered, or Headerless
MergeOverrideDAT Merge Type Override DAT true or false
SingleArchive Single Archive true or false
SubDirType Single Archive setting KeepAllSubDirs, RemoveAllSubDirs, RemoveAllIfNoConflicts, or RemoveSubIfSingleFiles
MultiDATDirOverride Don't auto add DAT directories true or false
UseDescriptionAsDirName Use description (instead of name) for auto added paths true or false
IgnoreFiles Filenames not to remove from RomDirs Refer to Directory Settings documentation

RomVault will process all descendent DATs and update the cache every time you update a Directory Rule in the UI. This can take a significant amount of time if you have a very large collection. If you need to make several changes you can edit the XML directly while RomVault is closed. If you take this approach to updating, be sure to Refresh All DATs to ensure all directory rules are processed.

For additional information, refer to the Directory Settings documentation.

DatVault Settings

The following settings are controllable through the DatVault UI from the Update DATs > DatVault Update menu.

XML Setting UI Mapping Accepted Values
DATUpdateKey Login Valid DATVault key
bUseDefaultMasterDirectories Add Selected > Use Default Master Directories true or false
bUseDefaultSubDirectories Add Selected > Use Default Sub Directories true or false
bImportNewDATsWithJsonSeeds Add Selected > Import new DATs with JSON Seeds true or false

Game List Filters

The following filters are controllable through the RomVault UI in the upper right corner of the Info Panel.

XML Setting UI Mapping Accepted Values
chkBoxShowCorrect Show Complete Sets true or false
chkBoxShowMissing Show Incomplete Sets true or false
chkBoxShowFixed Show Sets with fixes true or false
chkBoxShowMerged Show Merged / Deduped true or false

XML-Only Settings


DO NOT CHANGE THIS SETTING IF ANY FILES WERE SCANNED. This setting should ONLY be changed with a new instance of RomVault before a cache file is created. Changing this setting after files have been scanned will result in unintended behavior and is not supported in any way.

This flag is used to enable RomVault in “Files Only” mode which treats all archives as files

  • Normal mode (Default):
  • Files Only mode:

When this setting is set to “true” then RomVault will not read the contents of any archives. Instead it will scan the 7z or zip archive as a single file. This is useful if you would like to run a separate instance of RomVault just for managing DATs that treat archives as files. Because this setting applies globally, its advised to set this with a clean instance of RomVault before any files are scanned.


This is the name and location of the RomVault cache file

  • Standard name and location (Default):
  • Example alternate name and location:

Although you can change the location of the cache file, its advised to choose a location on a fast SSD or NVME drive to ensure the best performance. This setting can be useful if you want to store your cache file in a different directory which is periodically backed up with a sync program of your choice.


This section is used to configure viewing MAME artwork and launching MAME ROMs directly from the RomVault UI. Configuration settings should be nested into a node called EmulatorInfo as shown in the example. The following settings are configurable:

  • TreeDir: The path in your RomRoot used for MAME ROMs. Omit the “RomRoot” portion of the full path.
  • ExtraPath: The path in your RomRoot used for MAME Extras. Omit the “RomRoot” portion of the full path.
  • WorkingDirectory: The full path for the emulator working directory.
  • ExeName: The emulator executable in the working directory you would like to use for launching games.
  • CommandLine: The commandline parameters to use when launching the game.

The following tokens can be used with the CommandLine setting:

  • {gamename}: The game file name without the extension
  • {gamefilename}: The game file name with extension
  • {gamedirectory}: The game directory
  • Feature disabled (Default):
  • Featured enabled example:
        <ExtraPath>Artwork\MAME Extras</ExtraPath>

This feature currently only works with MAME ROMs and the MAME Extras set.

(Dark mode enabled using the Accessible graphics pack)

config_xml.1712794930.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/04/10 17:22 by johnsanc