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ApplicationVersionRelease DateDescriptionDownload Link
RomVault 3.5.0 2022-07-04 RomVault with GUI for Windows and Linux with mono. RomVault v3.5.0
RomVault (WIP) Work in progress build for testing. Use at your own risk.
RomVault CMD (Windows) 3.5.0 2022-07-04 Command line version of RomVault core for Windows. RomVault CMD-Windows v3.5.0
RomVault CMD (Linux) 3.5.0 2022-07-04 Command line version of RomVault core for Linux. RomVault CMD-Linux v3.5.0
TrrntZipUI 2.8.1 2021-09-07 C# .NET torrentzip utility with multi-core processing. TrrntZipUI v2.8.1
TrrntZipUI (WIP) 2.9.0 WIP2 2022-07-06 Work in progress build for testing. Use at your own risk. Discord
TrrntZip CMD (Windows) 2.1.0 2021-09-05 Windows command line replacement for old trrntzip.exe. C# .NET Core 3.1. TrrntZip CMD-Windows v2.1.0
TrrntZip CMD (Linux) 2.1.0 2021-09-05 Linux command line replacement for old trrntzip.exe. C# .NET Core 3.1. TrrntZip CMD-Linux v2.1.0
downloads.1657287512.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/08 06:38 by johnsanc