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RomVault Help

The wiki is a constant work in progress. If you cannot find what you are looking for, please join the RomVault Discord and feel free to ask for help. The RomVault community is full of people willing to help out fellow ROM collectors.

Quick Reference
- UI OverviewFamiliarize yourself with the RomVault UI and learn helpful shortcuts
- Color KeyA comprehensive reference for all color coded statuses and icons
- ShortcutsA quick reference for mouse and keyboard shortcuts
Getting Started
- Windows SetupGet up and running with RomVault
- Linux SetupConfigure RomVault to run using mono and create a launcher shortcut
- UpgradingBest practices when upgrading RomVault
- Organizing DATsLearn about the different common approaches for organizing your DATs
- Performance TuningTips and tricks to ensure RomVault runs as fast as possible
- Global SettingsLearn about global options: Settings > RomVault Settings
- Directory RulesLearn about directory rules: Settings > Directory Settings
- Single ArchivesLearn about the different ways you can store your ROM sets with the powerful Single Archive setting
- Merge TypesLearn about the different set merge types you can use with directory rules
- ToSort DirectoriesLearn how to setup the different types of ToSort directories
- Scanning / Fixing LevelsLearn how RomVault scans and fixes sets along with best practices
- What is DATVaultTired of manually keeping your DATs up-to-date? DATVault is the answer.
- How it WorksLearn how DATVault works under the hood
- DATVault SetupTutorial to with hands on examples
- Supported DATsA reference for the DATs available in DATVault and answers to common questions
Advanced Options
- Config XMLLearn about the config XML and how to enable experimental or advanced features
Past and Future
- ChangelogSee how RomVault has changed over time with new features and fixes
- Bugs/Known IssuesFind a bug? Check here first. If you think you found a new bug please join Discord to report it.
- Requested FeaturesA list of all the ideas the RomVault community has contributed. If you have an idea, tell us about it on Discord.
help.1641757390.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/01/09 10:43 (external edit)