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RomVault Setup

How to download and setup your first RomVault system.

Installing RomVault

RomVault runs from a single .exe file and so does not have a full install, you can simply download the latest RomVault version from and then extract this zip file to the location where you would like to start collecting/sorting your ROMs:

You can double click on ROMVault3.exe and it should run, if it does not startup you will need to check your frameworks are installed. (You only need chdman.exe if you are going to be scanning and fixing .chd files.)

Setting Up Directories

There are 3 Directories that RomVault needs to work:

If you are brand new to RomVault, it is worth spending a little time here understanding how RomVault works. So lets say you want to collect MAME ROMs, Raine ROMs and the Full TOSEC collection. To do this you build the directory structure you want to use in the DatRoot directory, so maybe put your arcade games roms in a directory called Arcade, and then a separate directory For TOSEC

  • DATRoot
    • Arcade
      • MAME
        • MAME 0.222.Dat
      • Raine
        • Raine 0.91.4.Dat
    • TOSEC
      • … All Tosec DATs (also use the Tosec directory scripts to set these up)




install_and_setup.1596731450.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/06 09:30 by gordonj