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List of Feature Requests for RomVault

Larger Features

  • Set headered sets to only fix with headered files.
  • Zip files scanned as files, so that DATs stored as file with zip files in the DAT will scan and fix correctly.
  • Support Date/Times, this means:
    • Replacement to trrntzip that stores dates. (RVZip)
    • Unordered List ItemNew Dat Format to store dates. (RVDats)
  • RVDat extensions to DAT format to support date/time and describe the file compression type in the DAT, also file order from the DAT and zip file comments stored in the DAT.
  • RVDat extension and Date/Time support should enable EXO and T.D.C. to be supported by RomVault.
  • Parallel File Scanning.
  • Improved file reporting, such as HTML report.

Smaller Features

  • Don't use 7z cache if we are only pulling one file out of a 7z.
  • See if we can just rename a ZIP file.
  • Keyboard only usage of RomVault.
  • Emulation launching support.
  • Handle locked and un-accessible files (due to security) better.

Other Ideas from RomVault Users

  • Improve the usability for color blind users, for example hover-over info for the status icons
  • Ability to pivot the directory tree by level for an alternate view of your collection (Ex. “Type > System > Group” piviot to “Type > Group > System”)
  • Ability to have ignored directories within the DatRoot
  • Safely support ToSort folders that exist somewhere within the RomRoot
  • Ability to control the file ignore rules in the directory settings and support wildcards (Ex. allowing all .sbi files)
  • Allow the user to force cancel scanning or fixing and cleanup the cache up to the last fully processed file. Today the only option is a hard forced shutdown which leads to the cache becoming out of sync compared to what was scanned.
  • Show the file that is currently being processed in the scanning/fixing status window
  • If a file cannot be scanned for any reason (Ex. permissions issues) then log the error in the status window. The blue “unscanned” status should be repurposed for this.
requested_features.1597632773.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/16 19:52 (external edit)