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This is an old revision of the document!

First Trrntzip.exe was C code developed by 'shindakun' available here:

C Code Trrntzip history
2007-05-09First code commit. (by shindakun)
2012-01-03Fixed Inconsistency in trrntzip files from having un-needed directories in the zip. The new rule was added to only have directory entries in a zip files if the directory is empty.
2012-01-03Also fixed the directory separator character to be '/'. See 4.4.17 in APPNOTE.TXT
2012-02-02Zip64 support added by 'ackmed'

Latest ZIP files format specifications can be found here

trrntzipui.1605727206.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/18 10:20 (external edit)